Rosary Part Confusion

Update: Since this was posted, the store has adopted a new responsive HTML5 format. If necessary I will update this in the future, but for now it’s obsolete. 🙂

Hey everyone!!  I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about a rosary part issue that’s been popping up more frequently lately.   Most of the time I believe it’s purely accidental.  I mean, we’ve all been there right?  Super busy, without a lot of spare time on our hands. Sometimes it’s just easier and faster to shop by looking at pictures instead of reading item descriptions. b_wink  I know these types of situations are perfectly innocent, but sometimes this type of thing has happened for less innocent reasons.

About a month or so ago I had someone deliberately trying to bully me into giving them parts either below wholesale cost or for free.  I wish I could say this was the first time, but unfortunately it has happened before.  These types of buyers purchase with the intention of taking advantage without any remorse or regret, which is strange when coming from people making prayer beads.  Honestly, it’s a horrible position to be in which is why I decided to take some time and explain in more detail the way the shop is set up when it comes to rosary parts.  Hopefully this will help clarify things by showing everyone exactly what to look for. b_wink

As most of you know, my shop has rosary parts in two different locations: those for individual sale and those for use with Custom Rosary orders. Individual parts are listed under the category heading “Individual Rosary Parts” while those used for my custom rosaries are under the “Custom Rosaries” heading.  Normally the cost for parts in the custom section is lower than the cost of individual rosary parts, for a reason.  When a customer purchases a custom rosary the “base price” includes the cost of the beads, basic wire & chain, along with some basic centerpiece and crucifix choices which is why many of the part choices (in the custom rosary sections) are free.  Their cost is already included in the base.  The more expensive, upgraded parts will have an additional cost to make up the difference, which is why they are cheaper than when listed individually.

OK, let’s start with the Custom Rosary category pages since those areas seem to be the most confusing for people.

The simplest way to see if the parts you are looking at are for custom rosaries is to look for the words  Custom in the item titles, and  “not for individual sale” in the item and category descriptions.  For example, the first screenshot below shows the main Custom Rosary category page.  This page offers links to bead and part options for Speziale custom rosary customers.  You will see the words Custom (next to the titles) and the words “not for individual sale” in the category description.  You can click on all of the images below to see larger versions with more detail.  The highlighted sections point out what to look for while shopping.

custom rosary parts image (2)


This next screenshot shows the Custom: Rosary Centers page.  All of the subsections of the Custom Rosary Category are set up the same way including the words Custom and “not for individual sale” spread throughout.  But also notice how the parts are listed/grouped by theme (not individually), which makes it easier for custom rosary customers to find what they need.

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This next screenshot shows what an the rosary part listings look like in my Custom Rosary section.  Rosary parts for custom rosaries are always pictured/listed in themed groups instead of individually.  Like before, you will also see the words Custom and “not for individual sale” in several places (i.e. beneath photo title, in the photo caption, and in the description for the items).  See the highlighted sections below for more detail.

custom rosary parts image (1)


Now, let’s take a look at the areas of the store where rosary makers and crafters can purchase rosary parts for their own very special creations! The 1st screenshot below is of my “Individual Rosary Parts” category page.  You can see where the parts are categorized according to type (i.e. crucifixes, centers, sets).  Even though it is similar to the custom section, you won’t find the word “Custom” anywhere on this page.

custom rosary parts image (3)


This next screenshot shows what the individual part sections look like (for this purpose I just used the rosary center category page, but the layout is the same for crucifixes and sets).  You will notice that the parts in each section are listed individually, not according to theme or groups.  Another thing to notice is the item title.  You don’t see the word “custom” here either, just the name for each part including a rough size for that part.  OK?

custom rosary parts image (4)


This final screenshot shows you what an individual rosary part listing looks like. Notice the product name (including size), the item photo (single image), and the words “priced per crucifix” in the item description. Sometimes, quantity discounts are even available!! b_wink

custom rosary parts image (5)

Does that make sense?  So in short, if you are looking at something that mentions the word “custom” and doesn’t say “priced per center/crucifix/set” then you are in the Custom Rosary section which means those parts are “not for individual sale”.

I hope this will help clarify things a little bit more.  Remember to click on the screenshots so you can see the details better.  And remember if you every have any questions about ordering parts, please let me know.  I’m here to help!! b_wink